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Motorcycles are the most common mode of transportation, especially in developing countries like the Philippines. However, approximately 380, 000 motorcycle accidents yearly are recorded worldwide. In response to this issue, the researchers came up with a device, called Vehikulo. Its main objective is to ensure the safety of motorcycle riders and secure an immediate response in case of emergency. It consists mainly of an Arduino Mega, a GPS module, a GSM module, an accelerometer, SD card module, push buttons, and an LCD.

The emergency alert system in the device has two main triggers for sending emergency messages to authorities and registered numbers. The first trigger is a manual emergency button that can be activated to send an emergency message. The second is an automatic alert system activated by sudden deceleration. The emergency message sent through the system contains a website link with essential information such as the location, details about the driver and motorcycle, and contact information for the designated person for emergency notification. It also provided accurate speed data logged in the SD card, which can serve as evidence in case of incidents. The device’s data on Vehikulo’s power consumption is highly reliable for motorcycle drivers’ comfort. With a 10000 mAh power bank, the device can be used continuously for 24 hours.

​This study utilized developmental type of research. The device's functionality has been verified through multiple tests, and used weighted arithmetic mean and Likert scale as statistical tool in determining its effectiveness and reliability. A total of 10 participants from various groups, including MDRRMO, PNP, IT Programmers, and motorcycle riders, evaluated the device’s effectiveness, durability, and portability. The device received an impressive overall effectiveness rating of 3.80, indicating a high level of effectiveness. In terms of durability, it garnered a rating of 3.72, suggesting that it is highly durable. Furthermore, the device received a portability rating of 3.90, indicating that it is highly portable. These ratings highlight that the device is reliable and effective as a tracking and SMS emergency alert system, meeting the requirements for effectiveness, portability, and durability.

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